From Monster Maestro, Nitia Musico
As a small child I was always "making somefink." By 6 years old I was using my own full size sewing machine as often as time would allow. For me, monster making has been an undulating road that ultimately led right to Main Street!

Creativity and Discovery
I grew up in Nigeria and attended boarding school in England from the age 8 to 18. Going to art college after that opened many doors for me. Once exposed to furniture making, upholstery, and their attendant difficulties, I fell in love with the tools and the physical work needed to create amazing pieces of furniture.

The Comeback Kid
I moved back to the United States in 1992 and worked as a nanny for a number of years. A battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma, which I beat by maintaining a great attitude, motivated me to start my own custom rugs and furniture upholstery business. Even better, I have been cancer free since 1994!

And Now for Something Completely Different...
In 2013 I moved Rugs and Stuff from Dallas to Denison, Texas and opened my own shop on Main Street. After years of frustration of watching window shoppers passing by, I decided to create a window display for the local Halloween Festival. I grabbed a few pieces of designer fabric leftover from the latest upholstery project, made some monsters like I'd done since childhood, and hung them in the window. That's when everything changed.

From Main Street to Your Street
Now Monsters on Main is a store full of unique monsters and happy people who stop in every day looking for that perfect new friend to take home! The shop sees all types of folks from people looking for a unique baby gift to adults who need a fun pop of color in their home. Not near Denison? No problem! Monsters on Main's unique offerings are easy to shop online.
Monster Creation in Action
AssistHER Grant Award Recipient
Monsters on Main was one of 100 woman owned businesses to win the AssistHER Grant awarded by The Center for Women Entrepreneurs at Texas Woman’s University during COVID.

Monsters on Main
Monsters on Main provides fun, eco-friendly, and one-of-a-kind gifts and decor for creative and environmentally conscious people of all ages.